Okeh..start arini aq da malas dah nk tulis hari yg bla bla bla. Takde idea dah nk tulis idea hari yg ape2 dah..huhuhu...arini terasa nk menulis plak. Tetibe terasa nk menulis pasal self-control. Yup..aq bukan la org yg sesuai utk menulis perkara ni sebab aq sendiri pon kurang self-control. pelik kan? The only thing that you have to control is yourself but the ironic thing about it..it is the hardest thing to do. Funny kn? Who would of thought that controlling yourself is harder than controlling others! It's much easier to control a character in a video game than controlling yourself.
Ape la yg aq merepek plak nih...huhuhuhu...ye la but the thing is controlling yourself from bursting out is the single most hardest thing to do. For me I had trouble controlling my anger. Huhuhuhu...god forbid if I have the same condition as Dr. Bruce Banner...i think Malaysia would be long gone from the map. huhuhu...luckily I don't share the same conditions as the fictional character..and recently I learned to control and suppress my anger. It's for the greater good isn't it? You can do so much stuff without upsetting people when you learn how to control the "Fire Inside" huhuhu....