Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ahad Yang Memenatkan

Wow, hari ni mmg penat. Habis aq dgn abg aq kerjakan almari2 kat belakang umah aq tuh. Habis Clear!! Wakakakakaka. Okay so that is that. Skrg aq nak teruskan ape yg aq dah lame nak tulis tapi ilang mood (tah brape kali tah ilang) dan recently aq jumpe satu alasan utk membuatkan aq rase cam nk tulis balik.

Aq nak kongsi dengan korang satu teori yg aq belajar dari observasi aq pd hidup dan juga rancangan faveret aq "How I Met Your Mother" . Teori ini dinamakan......"Reacher & Settler"

Yaaa....mesti korang pelik kan? Aper benda la "Reacher & Settler" ni?? Aq singkat kan jadi R&S je la ek? Okay R&S ni adalah salah satu fenomena sosial yang secara sedar atau pun tidak berlaku dikalangan kita  macam lah fenomena AGUNG, The Cheerleader Effect.

Meh aq explain.

R&S ni berlaku usually antara dua kapel atau pun dua org. Die tak boleh lebih dari 2 org. Syarat sah die tuh. heheheheh. Reacher ni adalah gelaran yang diberikan kepada org yang kapel atau cuba try test (hehehehehe...) orang yang lebih hot dari dia. Haaaa....ade paham? Settler pulak org yg kapel atau pun settle down dgn org yang less hot dari die.

Contoh R&S yang kita senang nampak amek dari contoh artis popular la ye? Ermmmm...this couple!

Sari Yanti bersama Suami..awwww..sweet! wakakakaka
Look at him, he is obviously a Reacher and Sari Yanti is a settler. No offense but this chick can definitely score a guy hotter than this guy but she settles for less..(no offense for this guy...he clearly one of the luckiest guy i Malaysia. I mean...he married the girl who every guys drools for in the old Maxis commercial! Wkakakaka). Look it one way of the other for this couple..either the guy is a Settler because he is richer than SariYanti or other things. The fact of the matter is this, there are Reacher & Settler in every relationship except...if the couples are both at the same level of hotness. If they both can score hotter guys/girls and they both settles for their choices..the effect is cancelled. CONTOH; This couple!
Brangelina and their intercontinental kids..wakakakaka
I mean look at them, one is arguably one of the hottest hunk ever waltzing into the silver screen and one is one of the hottest females that ever walked the face of the earth (amboi.. exaggerate gile! wakakaka) And their both don't use the Botox2 tau ( as far as I know la. wakakakaka) Dua2 equally hot so effect kensel lah!.


Heheheheh..ade but nih...ade yang jenis Reacher yang reach terlalu high sampai tak sedar diri. Ha..yang ni bahaya nih. kadang2 sampai jadi obses pon ade gak. wakakakaka...effect yang paling teruk die akan jadi yg dah tahap dangerous nih..jenis ni bleh dikategorikan sebagai BIG TIME Reacher. Tapi kalo Reacher jenis ni pandai..myb die akan jadi kategori kat atas tadi..who knows?

BUT (ape lagi)

Yang jenis Reacher tak sedar diri ni ade gak yg jenis annoying..haa...die bajet cam x nk menunjuk ke"Reacher"an die (ape bende la tatabahasa ko neh??)  sangat tapi action die tak serupa bikin. Haa...die canang kat semua org bukan tapi gaya die nmpak sgt menunjukkan yg die da syok habis kt org yg die suke tu lah. jenis ape? Of kos la aq jenis Reacher. at least aq mengaku dan aq x malu ttg nye. Wakakakaka. Lagi satu aq ni jenis yang suka tunjuk dkt org yg aq syg tu..yg aq syg kt die..wakakakaka..(ayat...jiwang nk mampos! wakakakaka) At least die tau to what extent of how much that I care for her. Wakakakaka..okeh, idea sudah abis. Lain kali citer lain pulak. Wakakakakakaka...

Last but not least....Aq tak suke org amik ayat aq dlm facebook dan ASSUME ayat tu untuk die dan COPY dan POST kan dekat BLOG die. (Yeah, you know who you are) Tu KURANG AJAR namenye. Okeh, rage sekejap je...fuhhh!

Until the nxt rumblin' ciao!



eizt zahar said...

kurang ajar or kurang sivik or xd adab namanye ni. ko kene tuntun maafan dari si pencuri ini.

p/s: aku nk aim lisa suriani tp aku tamo jd big time reacher.

AkutakPandaiMenulis said...

hotak hang. wakakakakaka