Friday, February 25, 2011

Jumaat yg _________(fill in the blanks)

Huh....kawan baik aq penah cakap dekat aq, "Tak baik mengeluh yie.." dan aq jgk akan slalu reply, " bukan menghela nafas panjang je..." but this time....kalo die tanya soalan yg sama..."Ye, aq mengeluh". Itu jawapan aq...npe aq mengeluh? Sebab aq penat...penat badan..penat mulut....penat otak....penat jiwa...sume penat lah! (tp tulis blog tak penat plak) huhuhuhu.....

Minggu ni kawan baik aq dinobatkan sebagai sangat bangga die naik..sebab ape? Ini bukti..yg org berotak "sengal" jugak boleh memimpin..wahahaha...ramai tnye aq sampai aq malas nk jawab dah.."Ko tak bertanding ke?" dan setiap kali lah jawapan aq...."Tak baru part 3..awal lagi...huhuhu" Aq tak penah tpk pon nk bertanding jawatan yg aq rase cukup besar dalam institusi pembelajaran se-Malaysia neh. Aq tamoh jd ahli politik...nnt k.o cepat...wahahaha

Okay..serious mode.

Kita ni adalah makhluk ciptaan Yang Esa yang berasal dari spesis Homo sapiens a.k.a Manusia. perkataan Homo sapiens ni derived from Latin pnye perkataan yang bermaksud "wise man" or "knowing man". So maksudnya kite ni ( ye ye masuk aq la skali) ade lah manusia yg ada akal dan dikurniakan oleh Yang Maha Esa kebolehan untuk berfikir. Walaubagaimanapun...(penanda wacana nih! cikgu BM aq ajar aq igt lg! hohohoho) 2 tak bermakna kite ni lepas dari melakukan tak?

Bile dah buat silap..especially buat silap pada org...kite mintak maap...betol tak?

Tapi pernah tak kite pk....ape tujuan kite mintak maap pada org yang kite buat silap tu?

Adekah sebab kite ambil berat pada org yang kite buat salah tu?

Adekah sebab kite ambil berat pada pandangan org lain?

Adekah sebab kite nak hilangkn perasaan bersalah kite je?

(Notice gune ganti diri "kite" means ape yg aq tulis ni utk aq jugak...)

Aq byk buat salah dekat org...honestly kdg2 aq tak tau pn yg aq dah buat salah..tapi kalo ade sesape yg pernah aq buat salah..dan pernah jugak aq mintak maap dkt die...believe mintak maap ikhlas sebab aq ambil berat pada org yg aq buat salah tu...Yes, I apologize to you because I DO care about you. But then..that is me lain aq tak tau la..

Susah nak tau sebenarnye..kalau org yg mintak maaf dkt kite ni...sama ada die betul2 caring pasal kite..OR die just nak lepas kan rasa BERSALAH die je. Ye lah GUILT is not the greatest feeling in the world kn? Sape yang suke rase bersalah? Kn?

So...until the nxt rumblin'...ciao!

                                                      I'm leavin'

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ahad Yg......

Once again I find myself alone.....but this time I'm in the midst of posters of people of whom I knew of...well, hats off to them for bravely showing off their faces while wondering if some other people decided to get a little bit "creative". That is one of the quality needed to be a leader...(huisy..tulis omputeh..kecoh! wahahaha)

Byk mende jadi dalam 2-3 hari nih...Meeting bajet pon dah lepas kecuali program ceramah motivasi aq...harap2 sempat la..time is of the essence...but I think the most significant event that transpired this week that had affected me entirely is......a certain "she" is playing the "game" with me...I have no idea why she keeps doing that to me...and I don't have an idea why this keeps happening to me. Hmm....seriously I feel can I put it....I feel....feel...helpless...trapped in a bar-less cage...unable to escape...damn it!

Then people around me keep saying "bunga bukan sekuntum". Honestly....I sick of that expression...really I'm sick of it. Memang la bunga bukan sekuntum tapi quantity is definitely not the issue here okay?? It's quality...not all the "kuntum2" bunga is the same as the one "kuntum" that I want. One more thing, the "bunga bukan sekuntum" is like an insult to me. It's like telling me to my face "Dude, the girl doesn't want you and you need to have a clue aboot that you hopeless bastard" Yeah, I know when to quit okay? Mybe I am hopeless but I'am not a freakin' idiot.

Dem, I'm outta ideas...untill the next rumblin'...ciao!

                                               I'm on fiiiiirreeeeee!!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Jumaat yg tak berape nak hening

Hari ni hari jumaat..nak update blog? huhuhuh..dah macam habit plak...watever la...di temani "The Joker" aq..(It's my lappy's name..and YES I'm naming my laptop now. Why? because I can..huhuhuhu) bersama deruan unggas berkicauan (kicau ke?) diselangi dengan bunyi enjin mesin rumput....arrghhh..ape aq merepek nih?

Hari ni patut nye aq dah boleh masuk meeting utk approve kn budget 3 program aq yg akan datang....timing aq da setting baekk pnye..tibe2...Dato' Prof. Dr. Ir. Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar throws an audible!!! Semua staff akademik diwajibkn hadir utk konfrens ape tah...itu bermakne..kelas sume batal!! Yahoooo!! NOT!!!! 2 jgk bermakne meeting budget postponed! Nape la abg "Elvis" tu buat cenggini...huhuhuhu...tak dapek den nak nolong eh!! Bertambah hectic la hidop aq pas nih.

Besok plak berlangsungnya sukan seperti biasa memasuki acara "berdiri di tepi sambil memaki hamun reff utk ketidak adilan yg bakal berlaku"..(mane ade tak adil, adil je...saje carik alasan nk jerit2..wahahaha) 2morrow I will be there lah to support my colleagues sweating their ass of to win myb a hamper and RM5 worth of a medal..wahahaha. Janji aq dapat T-Shirt free..wahahahaha. Perks of being the loudest guy in the Dept. (mybe the faculty also?? hohohohoho)

N' I just saw The Green verdict...ok la..have a few good laughs from it..huhuhuhu

ape lagi la neh? hmm..idea pn dah the nxt rumblin'...ciao

Friday, February 4, 2011

Jumaat yg Hening Part 2

Aq baru balik menziarah org friend pnye bf....sampai2 je aq da nmpk muke die yg bengkak dek tangisan yg myb tak la...sape tak sedih kan? Your loved one pergi menghadap Ilahi....bile aq tgk muke member aq tu..teringat time arwah ayah aq meninggal tak lame dlu...begitu la same nye muke mak aq....bengkak2 mate die 2 hari bru nmpk surut.

Walaupn aq tak kenal langsung sape arwah BF member aq ni..tapi aq tumpang sedih jgk la....sampai2 aq tanye soklan yg aq rase dah berpuluh2 org tnye die ari ni..."bile meninggal" "ko ok ke tak" "kebumi kt mane" the one thing yg aq tak mention dan aq rase org len mention kt die adelah.."ko byk2 sabar yerk". I mean she's going through a rough time...and the last thing she need to to is held on to her feelings...

for's better for her...especially cry her eyes much as she wants. I mean..that is what I did before. Why? Because If she let it all out today..then myb she will have the strength to get up the next morning...yg pergi dah tentu pergi kan? Kita yang hidup ni kene teruskan kehidupan. tak dapat bayangkn kalau "she" pergi dulu dari aq......sekarang pn dah ade void besar....myb void tu akan jadi black hole kot....

Dah la....until the next rumbling...ciao...

Al-Fatihah pada Arwah Ayahanda aq dan juga Arwah BF member aq......semoga roh2 mereka ditempatkn bersama roh2 org2 yg beriman....amin.

Jumaat yg Hening

Just gotta call telling me that my friend had lost her special friend in an accident this morning...Heading to HKL...let's hope I got there in time! Ciao!

Remember the Titans

Aq baru abis tgk muvee Remember The Titans...citer pasal team American Football yg berbeza races antara black guys and white guys...asal nye utk research (research ke??) CTU...nk buat presentation . Malas nak buat topik2 boring..kalo pasal movie menarik sket. huhuhuhu.....

Citer tu mengesahkan liku2 kehidupan (ceh..poyo gile ayat) pemain2 yg berlainan bangsa di zaman yg penuh dengan semangat Racism. Bagaimana sebuah sport (sebuah ke?) berjaya menyatukan org2 di sebuah bandar yang begitu kuat semangat perkaumannya.

dan aq terpikir.....boleh ke camni jadi dkt Malaysia? Walaupn sgt la halus tp masih ade unsur2 Racism di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Hmmm...kepale hotak aq dipenuhi maklumat yg bermacam2 dan masing2 darinya contradict with each other..hmm..malas nak pk. Biau lah..wakakakakaka

Aq tak cite lagi pasal kursus aq aritu ek? Tak perlu la kot..huhuhu....

Ape yg aq bleh dapat ilmu2 yg aq rase berguna...walaupn aq pegi kursus tu atas dasar......teettt..hehehehehe...until nxt rumbling...ciao!

                              Takde kene mengene basketball...huhuhu

                                                  Promotional Poster

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Petang Yang Penuh Makna...Takde Makna nya! (Cliche).

Hari ini aq dah berjaya mengumpul tenaga sebyk 14kcal iaitu equivalent to a slice of french toast dengan acara siesta aq petang tadi. Bangun2 je da nak maghrib..bfungsi lagi biological clock aq neh

Baru je abis menonton Lagenda Budak Setan the movie...( bru nk tgk so what?) Overall...nasib bek aq tak g tgk dkt panggung...kalo aq g tentu2 aq cabot kerusi tu, baling dkt Pengarah die..sape? Sha..Shar...sahab..ape tah..lantak ar. 

Setting time lari, story tunggang langgang, the only saving grace is wunderbar performance from Que and Lisa. Sib bek gak aq tgk kt umah, bleh skip the mushy2 part. huhuhuhu

Ape la aq merepek nih...huhuh..takde idea la...huhuhu...tapi aq dapat rasakn ade angin2 "tak puas hati" akan melanda aq nanti..huhuhu...biau la...tak puas ati..jom tak pandai nak selindung2 nih..wakakakaka..

Dah Maghrib, solat dulu..ciao!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First Born!

Wah wah wah.....sah mmg aq dah takde keje. Buat blog plak. tak hengat ke keje belambak...program lagi? Huhuhuhu..papehal aq baru balik dari kursus "kenegaraan" anjuran bersama persatuan anak2 Perak & Fakulti Muzik...

Wahahaha..nmpak cambes je kan, padahal aq bukan budak muzik dan aq jugak bkn anak Perak. SO, bakpe aq dkt situ? Huhuhu...jawapan professional aka "poyo" aq ade lah "Biasa la, aq mmg berjiwa patriotik" Padahal...wakakakaka...malas la nk tulis pnjg2. len kali cter lg..ciao!

(Kecoh la mamat nih, bajet ade org bace blog die la tu....wakakakakaka)