Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ahad Yg......

Once again I find myself alone.....but this time I'm in the midst of posters of people of whom I knew of...well, hats off to them for bravely showing off their faces while wondering if some other people decided to get a little bit "creative". That is one of the quality needed to be a leader...(huisy..tulis omputeh..kecoh! wahahaha)

Byk mende jadi dalam 2-3 hari nih...Meeting bajet pon dah lepas kecuali program ceramah motivasi aq...harap2 sempat la..time is of the essence...but I think the most significant event that transpired this week that had affected me entirely is......a certain "she" is playing the "game" with me...I have no idea why she keeps doing that to me...and I don't have an idea why this keeps happening to me. Hmm....seriously I feel can I put it....I feel....feel...helpless...trapped in a bar-less cage...unable to escape...damn it!

Then people around me keep saying "bunga bukan sekuntum". Honestly....I sick of that expression...really I'm sick of it. Memang la bunga bukan sekuntum tapi quantity is definitely not the issue here okay?? It's quality...not all the "kuntum2" bunga is the same as the one "kuntum" that I want. One more thing, the "bunga bukan sekuntum" is like an insult to me. It's like telling me to my face "Dude, the girl doesn't want you and you need to have a clue aboot that you hopeless bastard" Yeah, I know when to quit okay? Mybe I am hopeless but I'am not a freakin' idiot.

Dem, I'm outta ideas...untill the next rumblin'...ciao!

                                               I'm on fiiiiirreeeeee!!!!

1 comment:

AULIA IMAN said...

yes ayie, bunga bukan sekuntum, kumbang bukan seekor,...... tapi yg seekor tu la yg aku nak2 n org lain nak2 jgk..... so sad..... tapi xpe ayie..... semuanya tertulis untuk kita... Allah mendengar hambanya bersuara... berdoa la ea ayie:-)