Thursday, November 10, 2011

How To Be a Class "A" Douchebag

Hola amigo! Gomo estas? Si si..comprende...wakakaka...gilo po ckp Sepain plak..huhuhu..tu je la yg aq tau...plg common kot. Agak lame la tak menulis..tetibe hari ni aq ade idea plak. Recently aq ade trip g Padang, Indonesia. Needless to say utk org kampung cm aq ni g was an amazing experience! Nnt la in later posts aq citer pasal trip tu. But now I want to tell you on how to become a class "A" douchebag.

What is a douchebag??

Senang cite douchebag ni seseorang yg sangat haremmm perangai, rupa dan gaya die la...kalo nk tau lebih lanjut klik sini dan makna sebenar douche tu dkt sini. Aq tak nk citer pasal ape bende douchebag ni sb da sgt common. Ape yg aq nk cite adalah bagaimana caranya untuk menjadi douchebag kelas A.

 Cara yang pertama:

Wear sunglasses everywhere you go

Yeah...pemakaian sunglasses tanpa mengira tempat masa atau ketika boleh menjadikan anda sebagai seorang douchebag. Sunglasses atau Kaca Mata Hitam selalunya dipakai ketika mata kita mahukan perlindungan dari sinaran cahaya UV yang bisa merosakkan mata. A class "A" douchebag will wear the said apparel no matter what the f@#$ is going on. Whether it's a sunny day, rainstorm, at night or even at the fish market! Yeah..try wearing a sunglasses when you're shopping for catfish in the fish market. It'll make you look like a grade A douchebag in no time.

Don't give your seat to others more needing

This is for you douchebags wannabe that are using the public transport often like LRT, Buses etc. Whenever there are seats for you to seat on...never waste any second contemplating or whatever...just go get the seat! Even though there a an old lady carrying heavy bags or a kid with casts on his legs are nearby..just get the seat. Kalau ade mate2 memandang..buat2 tido walaupon tak mengantuk time tu. Nak lagi best kalau bawak barang pleaseee la letak barang2 anda pada kerusi sebelah. Barang anda lebih memerlukan seat itu daripada makcik umur 60 tahun yang pakai tongkat. You'll be a grade "A" douchebag in no time with this...guaranteed!

Always undermine your colleagues

Whenever you are having a conversation with your collegues..always...I stressed this..ALWAYS try to undermine his/her story with yours. Even if your story has nothing to do with you. Cara2 untuk undermine ni senang je...whenever your friends ends their story...quickly interject with this phrase; "Tu engkau, aku lagi la..(watever facts yg meng"undermine"kan your friends) or "Tu engkau, member aku lagi la...bla bla bla". It's going to make you the biggest douchebag ever!


Whenever your friends had bought something that is expensive...always...ALWAYS...start your conversation with this..."Perghhh..rugi ko beli (brg mahal yg die beli)...kalo ko tambah sket lagi dah bleh dapat (brg yg lg up..bla bla bla).

Either way you're going to be the most high leveled douchebag everrr! Wakakakaka

Get it?? Wakakakaka..ade lagi cara2 utk menjadi douchebag kelas "A" aq da malas nk menulis dah..lain kali aq tulis lagi ek?? huhuhuhu...

Until the nxt rumblin', ciao!

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